the seven stances of a scrum master are Actively do nothing, Coach, Facilitator, Impediment remover, Mentor, Pragmatist, Teacher.

Depending on the situation, a different leadership style can be necessary. We have refined seven different stances, based on those described by Barry Overeem, Comic Agilé and Bas Vodde.

Click on each of the stances below to read more.

The Genie from Aladdin is dedicated, passionate about his team’s success, and he always tries his best to make their wishes come true. He helps the team navigate through challenges by building up their confidence and skillset so they can face them on their own in the future.

M, James Bond’s superior, makes sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. She ensures everyone in the team knows the mission, customs and how things work, without telling them how to do it. She keeps the car running while the team is saving the day. 

Yoda is wise, experienced, and has a wealth of knowledge to share with his team members. He offers guidance and advice so that they can unlock the force within them and become agile masters themselves one day. 

Katniss from The Hunger Games is the ultimate pragmatist. Able to improvise quickly and pivot if needed she often finds surprising ways of completing her mission. Like a GPS (but with a less robotic voice) she finds the quickest route, even if it means a dirt road or two. 

Wonder Woman is a true defender of the team, always on the lookout for potential roadblocks that could slow down their progress. Using intelligence and resourcefulness, she fixes things that are broken and removes things that are in the team’s way. 

Mr Miyagi, the sensei from Karate Kid, stayed out of the spotlight and let his students learn by doing. He understands that the team must take ownership and lead their own work. As a watchful protector he is always there for them, but never in the way. 

Dumbledore, the professor from Harry Potter, is patient, understanding, and always willing to take the time to explain things to the team. Starting out with magic is hard, but his expertise makes sure that budding wizards are on the same page and ready to take on the world.